Tuesday 31 December 2013

The last post of 2013.

Its a few hours left to a brand new year! Its really common that at this point of time, everyone is busy thinking of their new year resolution but to be honest, how many of you can even remember what your new year resolution was last year? Well, I can't. Not even a tiny bit.

I know my new year resolutions have always been along the line of 'I'm going to be ultra skinny this year' or 'a new year is a new beginning' that kinda stuff. But i'll be really enthusiastic about it for a week and I will completely forget about my resolution afterwards. Hey, admit it. Many of you are like that.

Time seriously waits for no one. Looking back and reflecting on what I've accomplished in 2013, I don't think I've achieved anything much. I've graduated from Ngee Ann Polytechnic. Changed jobs like thrice. Finally launched eatvoguelove and finally am stable in a job that I like. There are so many other milestones to complete and its scary growing up. It used to be really fun when I was little but now its just filled with survival skills and bills to pay.

I spent my new year at Zouk last year with a couple of whacky friends. I remember that that was my first countdown at a club and at 11.45pm, my friends and I ran from the bridge to Zouk just in time for the countdown and after the countdown, we strolled back to the bridge to finish up our drinks. It was really silly but a very memorable event.

This year, I've been sooo busy that I completely forgot that New Year's Eve is today. Didn't make any plans nor have any intentions to get crazy and high either. I know I'm only 20 but I feel like I'm 60 inside. Even my mum is heading to Clarke Quay to have fun with her girlfriends. *yikes.

In the end, the boy and I will probably end up cooking at home, sipping wine while catching a movie - the very relaxed life while everyone is partying and boozing away. I think this life suits me more now. I'll probably fall asleep on the dance floor if I'm at Zouk this year. Haha!

I have sooo many posts to update on eatvoguelove but I haven't had the time to do so cause ChicKissLove has been keeping me really busy. So here's a new year resolution 2014: Update Eatvoguelove more & to have a evl fanbase! (I promise I'll really keep this new year resolution this time!!)

Happy New Year guys!
May all your dreams & wishes come true.

Ps: I have unicorn mermaid hair now. So your wishes are bound to come true.