Sunday 23 November 2014


My friends have been constantly trying to bring me to new cafes recently to help me relax a little (and also to make sure that I have my dinner) because I've been so preoccupied with work. Thanks guys for the love and making sure my tummy is filled up before I head home.

Rowena and I have this routine of meeting up at least once per week to catch up on each other's lives and because we're both really bad in coming up with places to eat at, we'll always end up dilly dallying and all the shops will be closed by the time we finally decide on a place to eat. And because we have so much to catch up on (even though its only been a week), sometimes its a hassle cause if you eat at a restaurant, you can't really catch up much when you see the queue of hungry angry people outside. So to find a nice, quiet place where we can have our dinner and chill is pretty hard for us.
So one fine day, Rowena decided to be smart and google for cafes that is close for us (because I knock off later than her) and thats how we landed in The Orange Thimble. First off, I'm really bad in cafes and I'm rarely in cafes because I don't drink coffee at all so there isn't really a need for me to be in cafes in that sense. I'm not sure about majority of the other cafes but Orange Thimble's menu selection is pretty straight forward and limited so I had a pretty hard time deciding on what I want because I wanted something super filling (since I've not had breakfast and lunch). But then again, cafes are called cafes for a reason.
I got a Beef Shepherd's Pie in the end and Rowena got a Ms Portobella Sandwich. I thought their shepherd's pie was pretty good. The ratio of potatoes and the beef was just nice so I liked it. As for the sandwich, I remember laughing when I saw it because by Ms Portobella, they truly meant Ms Portobella. There was only one portobello mushroom on the sandwich itself sooooo there's that.
But leaving the food aside, Rowena said their coffee was pretty good. I wouldn't know cause I don't drink coffee and I don't know how to appreciate coffee either. So you will have to trust her on that. I really like the cafe's atmosphere as well. It isn't particularly noisy, we were on the sofa seats and since the entire cafe's architecture is divided into different sections, you kind of have your own privacy as well. So if you're looking for places to just hang out and chill, I think The Orange Thimble is a pretty good spot. Plus they have very good lighting for wefies. HEH.

The Orange Thimble
56 Eng Hoon Street, #01-68
Telephone: 6223 8068
Opening Hours: 9AM to 11PM Daily

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