Wednesday 12 March 2014

Labor Day Movie Review

Caught the preview screening of Labor Day yesterday and to my surprise, I actually did enjoy the movie. Honestly, if I wasn't invited to the preview screening I don't think Labor Day would be a movie that I would have paid to watch because it looks like a movie that I would fall asleep to but I was awake the entire time because there was this constant little voice in my head on 'omg, dont get caught dont get caught.'

Labor Day (NC16 - Sexual Scene)
'Labor Day' centers on 13-year-old Henry Wheeler, who struggles to be the man of his house and care for his reclusive mother Adele (Kate Winslet) while confronting all the pangs of adolescence. On a back-to-school shopping trip, Henry and his mother encounter Frank Chambers (Josh Brolin), a man both intimidating and clearly in need of help, who convinces them to take him into their home and later is revealed to be an escaped convict.
The events of this long Labor Day weekend will shape them for the rest of their lives.

Genre: TBA
Running Time: TBA
Release Date: 13 March 2013
I have to say that the whole storyline of Labor Day was pretty slow. Its full dialogue with little action because you have to understand the backstories before you can even understand why the characters are portrayed in such a way. I usually fall asleep in very dialogue movies but I didn't for Labor Day cause I was really busy guessing on every single little detail which will only be explained simply at the end of the movie.

There are alot of flashbacks that will constantly keep you wondering who those young teenagers may be. Your heart will also constantly skip a beat from hoping that Frank Chambers would not get caught. Not only that, from the bottom of my heart, I think Josh Brolin and Kate Winslet portrayed their characters perfectly. I could feel every anxiety, every fear, every sadness and every regret.

I sobbed like cray cray for 10 whole minutes when the movie was about to end AND I WAS SO NOT THE ONLY ONE. I caught others crying too! I can't reveal much because I may spoil the ending but as draggy as the story is, its not a movie that I felt I wasted my time on because it was amazingly heartwarming and you wouldn't understand anything nor feel the characters if they were to cut out any of the scenes.
The last time I cried over a love story was over The Notebook and now, Labor Day. If you have enjoyed The Notebook, then you would definitely enjoy Labor Day. Its amazing and its breathtaking (:
**Special thanks to United International Pictures for the images and invitation!

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