Wednesday 30 April 2014

The Best Naan in Singapore Search Project: Gayatri Restaurant

So as some of you may or may not know, I have been trying to look for some splendid naans in Singapore, therefore lets call this 'The Best Naan in Singapore Search Project'.

So after the boy's basketball competition at Farrer Park, we decided to walk around to find some hopefully hidden Naan area but the weather was way too hot to actually allow us to do some naan digging.

So we ended up in Gayatri Restaurant and boy am I glad the weather was hot. Their fish curry was AH-MAZING.
Okay firstly, they serve their Menus on an iPad and call me a bimbo or whichever but its freaking cool can!? I spent prolly 5 mins gawking at it before I placed my order and I have no idea was it because I was starving or what, but their waiting time was a little tad long.

Obviously, I went there for Naan and I really really like Garlic Naan so thats what I ordered. I have no idea what the usual normal naan cost but to pay S$3.25 for a piece of naan, it was way too freakin' expensive. But I still ordered 2 in the end and Anthony ordered 2 as well so wthell.
And when my naan came, oh my gawd. We definitely ordered too much. I have no idea what they did. Prolly cut it into 4 pieces or something but we definitely couldn't finish it so I guess $3.25 per piece was worth it yah? Their garlic naan was pretty decent - Crispy on the outside, fluffy on the inside but I was expecting more of a garlic toast-ish smell but there wasn't so thats really disappointing. From what I see on my naan, they simply chopped the garlic up and toast (or whatever they do) together with the naan so I could taste the very garlic smell.

We took a really long time to decide on which curry to have since I am very sensitive to certain Indian curries such as Mutton curry which has the very distinct mutton smell so we decided to make a safe bet and try the Fish Head curry instead. We took the Small Fish Head Curry which costs $22 thinking that we should have gotten the Medium but holy, THANK GOD WE DIDN'T. The Fish Head Curry (Small) totally seems like a Large to me.
No shit. I seriously think every penny that I have spent was like damn worth it and the curry is drop dead delicious. If you are a lover of sour AND spicy curry like tomyam, then you will love their fish head curry. I don't think its extremely spicy but the sour + heat of the curry really makes you sweat. Even a non spicy lover like Anthony loved it and needless to say, I absolutely absolutely love it! I won't say the Fish is very very fresh but its decent. Pleasant to eat. In fact, I'm totally craving for their curry now while writing this post :(
All in all, I wouldn't go back for their Naan but I would go back for their curry.
If you know of any amazing naan places, feel free to drop me a note and I would love to try it out! ;)

Here's their website if you need more details:
I gotto rush out now to send my mum to the airport. Ciaos and have a Blessed Wednesdat all! ♥

Thursday 24 April 2014

Brick Mansions Move Review

First off, lets have a minute of silence for everyone's well loved actor - Paul Walker.
*One Minute of Silence*

I have to say that seeing him in front of the big screen was really sad and he's greatly missed and absolutely an amazing actor which can never be replaced so for all Paul Walker fans, even if you may not like Parkour, you have gotto watch his amazing performance in Brick Mansions because its one of his last films (Beside FF7, which was filmed halfway).
Brick Mansions (PG13 - Some Violence & Brief Coarse Language)
In a dystopian Detroit, abandoned brick mansions left from better times now house only the most dangerous criminals. Unable to control the crime, the police constructed a colossal containment wall around this area to protect the rest of the city. For undercover cop Damien Collier (Paul Walker) everyday is a battle against corruption. For Lino (David Belle), everyday is a fight to live an honest life.

Their paths never should have crossed, but when drug kingpin, Tremaine (RZA) kidnaps Lino's girlfriend, Damien reluctantly accepts the help of the fearless ex-convict, and together they must stop a sinister plot to devastate the entire city. With stylised action featuring thrilling Parkour stunts (David Belle is the co-founder of this physical training discipline), Brick Mansions puts an entertaining twist on the action genre.
Genre: Action/ Crime
Running Time: 90 Minutes
Release Date: 24th April 2014

Lets shift off the focus of the fact that this is Paul Walker's last film and focusing on the movie itself - I truly loved it and yes, Brick Mansions is the English remake of District 13 but I have never watched that cause its in French (and PSSSST...David Belle was also playing Lino in District 13!) Some of you may or may not know this but David Belle truly knows how to Parkour because he is one of the co-founders of Parkour itself so how cool is that!? The stunts were amazing and so smooth and I have a new found respect for Parkour.
I don't understand how can anyone play a good cop with an inner thug self as well as Paul Walker. As usual his character is funny, witty and oh so charming and when you pair both he and David Belle together, the action chemistry is AH-MAZING.

Brick Mansions feature a hell lot of Parkour and fight scenes and its almost 80% action based. Its not entirely very thrilling nor nerve wrecking but there's just something about it that makes you really excited about the whole thing and you can't wait to see how it turns out.
I truly don't think that Brick Mansions was overhyped. Its as good as it sounds and its even better when you get to watch David Belle and Paul Walker's witty remarks and power packed action scenes together. I totally enjoy how Lino is so Parkour based and how Damien is just about the fighting and they almost never fight the same way because Damien doesn't know how to Parkour and Lino is all about that. So when it comes to escaping from the thugs, Lino easily just glides through everything and Damien's just stunned. Haha.

I really really enjoyed Brick Mansions and I think as a movie, its definitely worth watching. I almost cried at the end because I know that I'll never get to see Paul Walker in any new movies anymore and when the credits rolled to the condolences for Paul Walker - everyone in the theatre started clapping. RIP Paul Walker, its been months but you'll always be in our heart.

*Special thanks to Cathay Keris Films for the invitation to the premiere screening and the movie stills as well! (:

Friday 11 April 2014

You Can't Miss This: Brick Mansions Parkour Jam (19th April 2014)

Have you watched the trailer from Brick Mansions?
If you have yet to, go watch it. If you have, then I'm pretty sure you have been impressed with how those dudes could jump and parkour all over the walls and buildings like they are Spiderman. 
I have a few friends who are hardcore Parkour fans and I always can't help but wonder how do they even get the guts to learn parkour by themselves. I mean you can DIE from it. Literally. As impressive and as thrilling as it is, its freaking dangerous!

I've always thought that Parkour is pretty cool. I mean just imagine, someone is trying to rob you or kill you and you just parkour your way through and tadaahhh - you're safe! Its like a super cool self defence skill. Now here comes the interesting part: If you have ever wanted to learn Parkour, now's your chance!
Cathay will be organising the 'Brick Mansions Parkour Jam' to celebrate the movie release of Brick Mansions! *WOOHOO~
Date: 19th April 2014 (Saturday)
Time: 4PM
Venue: The Cathay (Handy Road, in front of the building)

For those who have never seen Parkour in action, here's your chance!
You can even get to experience Parkour for yourself! (Perfect chance to learn self defence) Superfly Monkey Dragons will be conducting a workshop on the day itself to teach you the basics of Parkour so lets be real. YOU CAN'T MISS THIS OUT!

Besides that, HOT FM 91.3 DJs Cheryl Miles and Shan Wee will also be joining in the fun from 4.30PM to 6.30PM and they come bearing gifts! So if you would like to see your fav DJs trying Parkour themselves (and of course to win some freebies), you know what to do ;)

HOWEVER, participations in the workshops are on a first-come-first served basis and registration opens 30mins prior to the start of the workshop so be sure to be there early if you do not want to miss out on this!

Click here for the full details on Brick Mansions Parkour Jam!

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Noah Movie Review

Let's all be very open and frank here. I think Noah is an amazing and inspirational movie. I don't know is it because I'm Christian and I could relate to how Noah felt and all of his fears and agony but I feel so damn inspired when the movie was over. However, at the same time, many of my non-christian friends have told me they don't understand why Noah was behaving in such a manner, etc etc.
Noah (NC16 - Some Mature Content & Violence)
From the inspirational story of courage, sacrifice, hope and redemption, Darren Aronofsky (“Black Swan,” “The Wrestler,” “The Fountain”) brings to the screen “Noah.”  Academy Award® winner Russell Crowe portrays the man chosen by God to undertake a momentous mission of rescue before an apocalyptic flood destroys the world.
Never before has the full story been brought to life on screen in a vivid epic – inviting the audience to experience these spectacular events through the eyes and emotions of Noah and his family, as they journey through fear and faith, destruction and triumph, hardship and hope.
Genre: Drama
Running Time: 140 Minutes
Release Date: 3rd April 2014
I completely respect the faith that Noah has. He doesn't ask questions. He only does what God tells him to do - in this movie yes. Its much more complicated in the Bible. There's one thing to clarify: this movie is based on the Bible Adaptation. So don't start getting confused and compare the Bible with the movie because its stated very clearly in the beginning that its an adaptation. I don't get why people are soooo angsty about this but its just a movie really. Take a chill pill and enjoy it.
My heart wrenched with Noah through all the decisions that he had made and I could feel the fear and anxiety of his family and the disappointment that Noah has caused and how much misery Noah puts himself in just because he has to obey God. Its completely heart wrenching and at a certain point, it do get a tad pit annoying but every movie has to have a few annoying characters right? Hahaha.
I truly felt that the cast portrayal's of their respective roles were truly good. Russell Crowe was amazing as Noah (And of course the guys would love Emma Watson and they'll be cursing and swearing at the lucky dude) At certain points of the movie, you might think that Noah has gone cray cray but he hasn't. He's simply very faithful and he just wants to accomplish the tasks God has given him because he doesn't want to fail God. To me, God isn't heartless, he just wants to test Noah on what he would do by not providing answers to him. Again, that is what happens in the movie. Not the Bible.
I think Noah has generated abit of a mixed review. I personally enjoy it and I loved it. Its inspiring and it touched my heart truly. I felt that Noah's journey was epic and I think its a great movie and I felt that it sank into my heart on how important a Christian's faith is.
Noah may be a very Christian-ish movie but I think that its effect and drama makes up for that Biblical storyline. Basically, it has a somewhat biblical storyline but its still a drama. Its really just about how far a man would go for God and you should personally watch it to truly know if you would like it or not. Like I said, almost everyone has a different opinion on it.
**Special thanks to United International Pictures for the synopsis and movie stills.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Captain America: The Winter Soldier Movie Review

Captain America is so SOOOOOOO good. On very rare occasions, the second sequel is actually better than the first and Captain America: The Winter Soldier belongs into this rare category. Personally, I think its way better than its first movie and here's why.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (PG - Violence)
After the cataclysmic events in New York with The Avengers, Marvel’s “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” finds Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, living quietly in Washington, D.C. and trying to adjust to the modern world. But when a S.H.I.E.L.D. colleague comes under attack, Steve becomes embroiled in a web of intrigue that threatens to put the world at risk.
Joining forces with Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow, Captain America struggles to expose the ever- widening conspiracy while fighting off assailants sent to silence him at every turn. When the full scope of the villainous plot is revealed, Captain America and the Black Widow enlist the help of a new ally, the Falcon. However, they soon find themselves up against an unexpected and formidable enemy—the Winter Soldier.
Genre: Action/ Adventure
Running Time: 136 Minutes
Release Date: 27th March 2014

There was a sudden death of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s very own and thats when the kick comes in because you'll not be able to get over that person's death. I couldn't believe it at all. The story starts almost immediately. There's no dillydallying, no wishywashy. Its 136 minutes of non stop action and adventure and I promise you it will take your breath away.
Its a very fresh experience to have Captain America partnering with the Black Widow, (lets not forget the fact that these 2 main actors are major hotties. I was literally gushing at Chris Evans and my boyfriend was gushing madly at Scarlett Johansson). Black Widow always had a very questionable past. There was never a story about her, no one knows who she is and she's secretive that way. You'll never know if you can ever trust her and this whole plot is pretty much on Captain America needing allies that he can trust. So there's always this constant little voice wondering if Black Widow would ever betray him.
When the Winter Soldier was revealed, I was like oh my god. No freaking way! The whole plot just got way more exciting. Then, you'll realise that not everyone in S.H.I.E.L.D. are actually S.H.I.E.L.D. and thats going to dig into you because now even you don't know who the good guys are and who are the bad ones. Its fries your brain up a little and thats why Captain America: The Winter Soldier was so so exciting and definitely better than its first.

Also! There are 2 post credit scenes. I'm sure EVERYONE stays for the 1st post credit scene and they forget about the second one thats AFTER the entire credit. I wouldn't say that its very important to catch the second post credit scene but its good to know so be sure to stay and give the crew members of Captain America: The Winter Soldier some amazing credit for such an amazing movie.
**Special thanks to Walt Disney Studios for the synopsis and stills.