Wednesday 9 April 2014

Noah Movie Review

Let's all be very open and frank here. I think Noah is an amazing and inspirational movie. I don't know is it because I'm Christian and I could relate to how Noah felt and all of his fears and agony but I feel so damn inspired when the movie was over. However, at the same time, many of my non-christian friends have told me they don't understand why Noah was behaving in such a manner, etc etc.
Noah (NC16 - Some Mature Content & Violence)
From the inspirational story of courage, sacrifice, hope and redemption, Darren Aronofsky (“Black Swan,” “The Wrestler,” “The Fountain”) brings to the screen “Noah.”  Academy Award® winner Russell Crowe portrays the man chosen by God to undertake a momentous mission of rescue before an apocalyptic flood destroys the world.
Never before has the full story been brought to life on screen in a vivid epic – inviting the audience to experience these spectacular events through the eyes and emotions of Noah and his family, as they journey through fear and faith, destruction and triumph, hardship and hope.
Genre: Drama
Running Time: 140 Minutes
Release Date: 3rd April 2014
I completely respect the faith that Noah has. He doesn't ask questions. He only does what God tells him to do - in this movie yes. Its much more complicated in the Bible. There's one thing to clarify: this movie is based on the Bible Adaptation. So don't start getting confused and compare the Bible with the movie because its stated very clearly in the beginning that its an adaptation. I don't get why people are soooo angsty about this but its just a movie really. Take a chill pill and enjoy it.
My heart wrenched with Noah through all the decisions that he had made and I could feel the fear and anxiety of his family and the disappointment that Noah has caused and how much misery Noah puts himself in just because he has to obey God. Its completely heart wrenching and at a certain point, it do get a tad pit annoying but every movie has to have a few annoying characters right? Hahaha.
I truly felt that the cast portrayal's of their respective roles were truly good. Russell Crowe was amazing as Noah (And of course the guys would love Emma Watson and they'll be cursing and swearing at the lucky dude) At certain points of the movie, you might think that Noah has gone cray cray but he hasn't. He's simply very faithful and he just wants to accomplish the tasks God has given him because he doesn't want to fail God. To me, God isn't heartless, he just wants to test Noah on what he would do by not providing answers to him. Again, that is what happens in the movie. Not the Bible.
I think Noah has generated abit of a mixed review. I personally enjoy it and I loved it. Its inspiring and it touched my heart truly. I felt that Noah's journey was epic and I think its a great movie and I felt that it sank into my heart on how important a Christian's faith is.
Noah may be a very Christian-ish movie but I think that its effect and drama makes up for that Biblical storyline. Basically, it has a somewhat biblical storyline but its still a drama. Its really just about how far a man would go for God and you should personally watch it to truly know if you would like it or not. Like I said, almost everyone has a different opinion on it.
**Special thanks to United International Pictures for the synopsis and movie stills.

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