Wednesday 30 April 2014

The Best Naan in Singapore Search Project: Gayatri Restaurant

So as some of you may or may not know, I have been trying to look for some splendid naans in Singapore, therefore lets call this 'The Best Naan in Singapore Search Project'.

So after the boy's basketball competition at Farrer Park, we decided to walk around to find some hopefully hidden Naan area but the weather was way too hot to actually allow us to do some naan digging.

So we ended up in Gayatri Restaurant and boy am I glad the weather was hot. Their fish curry was AH-MAZING.
Okay firstly, they serve their Menus on an iPad and call me a bimbo or whichever but its freaking cool can!? I spent prolly 5 mins gawking at it before I placed my order and I have no idea was it because I was starving or what, but their waiting time was a little tad long.

Obviously, I went there for Naan and I really really like Garlic Naan so thats what I ordered. I have no idea what the usual normal naan cost but to pay S$3.25 for a piece of naan, it was way too freakin' expensive. But I still ordered 2 in the end and Anthony ordered 2 as well so wthell.
And when my naan came, oh my gawd. We definitely ordered too much. I have no idea what they did. Prolly cut it into 4 pieces or something but we definitely couldn't finish it so I guess $3.25 per piece was worth it yah? Their garlic naan was pretty decent - Crispy on the outside, fluffy on the inside but I was expecting more of a garlic toast-ish smell but there wasn't so thats really disappointing. From what I see on my naan, they simply chopped the garlic up and toast (or whatever they do) together with the naan so I could taste the very garlic smell.

We took a really long time to decide on which curry to have since I am very sensitive to certain Indian curries such as Mutton curry which has the very distinct mutton smell so we decided to make a safe bet and try the Fish Head curry instead. We took the Small Fish Head Curry which costs $22 thinking that we should have gotten the Medium but holy, THANK GOD WE DIDN'T. The Fish Head Curry (Small) totally seems like a Large to me.
No shit. I seriously think every penny that I have spent was like damn worth it and the curry is drop dead delicious. If you are a lover of sour AND spicy curry like tomyam, then you will love their fish head curry. I don't think its extremely spicy but the sour + heat of the curry really makes you sweat. Even a non spicy lover like Anthony loved it and needless to say, I absolutely absolutely love it! I won't say the Fish is very very fresh but its decent. Pleasant to eat. In fact, I'm totally craving for their curry now while writing this post :(
All in all, I wouldn't go back for their Naan but I would go back for their curry.
If you know of any amazing naan places, feel free to drop me a note and I would love to try it out! ;)

Here's their website if you need more details:
I gotto rush out now to send my mum to the airport. Ciaos and have a Blessed Wednesdat all! ♥

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