Friday 17 October 2014

Overnight Cycling (something I will prolly never do again)

A couple of weeks ago, my secondary school clique and I decided to plan an overnight cycling trip and we were all so excited about it but god...
Please pardon all the super low quality images from here onwards because its night time.
The last time I've ever went for an overnight cycling was prolly 5-6 years ago? So that may be what got me excited cause I was the first person to suggest it and I got super hyped up about it.

Obviously I didn't plan the overnight cycling route because everyone who knows me would know that I'm HORRIBLE with roads. I can get lost anywhere and everywhere that its not even funny. I have no idea how many km we cycled as well but to put it simply our overnight cycling route went like this:
East Coast Park > Changi Village > Pasir Ris Park > Downtown East > Back to East Coast Park (damn crazy i swear)
We started at 10pm in the night and cycled all the way till about 6am the next day and before we started our journey, we had this really cute dinner by cycling to the hawker at East Coast Park, packet all sorts of food we wanted (yay sambal kangkong) and cycled back to the beach to have our dinz.
So once dinner was out of the way, the real cycling 'fun' began after prolly like 10mins because everyone went like 'EHY CAMILLIA YOU CAN ANOT. EHY WE DONT WANT CYCLE BESIDE YOU. EHY CAMILLIA DONT FALL LEH. EHY CAMILLIA DONT JAM BRAKE HOR.' Confidence booster guys, confidence booster. (i did fall in the end anyway cause i decided i was good enough to pick up a phone call while cycling and BAM)

The first stop was to Changi Village to have the famous Changi Village Nasi Lemak where suddenly everyone started complaining 'WAH WE CYCLED 2 HOURS JUST TO EAT THIS NASI LEMAK.' and 'THE NASI LEMAK TODAY LIKE DAMN GOOD AH. ISSIT BECAUSE WE DAMN HUNGRY FROM ALL THE CYCLING.'
And then the real torture began. To cycle constantly from Changi Village all the way to Downtown East was a killer. The amount of uphills omg, CAN DIE. I wanted to just push my bike uphill cause I'm so tired but noooo, everyone says no. They said, keep cycling! Tell that to my thighs. They're not listening. The annoying part is that my bike gears weren't working well either so going uphill was such a pain. You can hear me screaming 'NO MORE UPHILL' for a very long time but yes I did it kay. Perseverance.
By the time we were at Downtown East, everyone was pretty much exhausted. Next time if any of you intend to plan an overnight cycling trip. Please bear in mind to insert more pit stops and food places because at least there will be something to look forward to rather than empty roads. Cycling to Changi Village wasn't even that bad because I knew that the moment I'm there I get to eat Nasi Lemak. But for the rest of the journey omg, there was nothing. There was NO FOOD to look forward to. That may actually be why I got really lethargic in the end. No motivation.

So yep, we had to cycle all the way back to East Coast Park and i think for a moment, all of us wanted to just flag a cab instead but nahhh, we managed to cycle back to East Coast Park again with ALOT OF UPHILL ROADS.

Am I ever going to do this again? PROBABLY NOT. But really guys, overnight cycling is fun and all. You get to catch up with your friends, talk crap, laugh at each other, make jokes & insults while cycling and its prolly one of the best bonding sessions. Just plan more pit stops and food stops really hahaha. It helps, trust me.
All in all, as much as I complain, I didn't regret this activity. The amount of fun and bullshit we had meant so much more and the pain from my thighs, my ass and my hands were worth it. But to the other members of this clique that didn't turn up that day, we have all agreed internally that we're never doing an overnight cycling again. Its way too tiring guys. We have to find something else.

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