Wednesday 31 December 2014

BYE BYE 2014.

With 2014 coming to an end in a couple of hours, it only makes sense to wrap up my year. I realise that I've been blogging for more than a year but the amount of posts I have is relatively little HAHA. OOPS. 

Before I start penning down my reflections of 2014, I would like to pen down the amazing time I had in December. I've always had a weak spot for Christmas and as much as I complain about having to buy gifts, I LOVE BUYING THEM cause the reaction of my family & friends are priceless. I'm really REALLY proud of my gift wrapping this year btw. I think I've outdone myself. Its like every year, I keep trying to outdo myself and idk why do i keep doing this. Oddly enough, I find some satisfaction in that. Hahaha.
This Christmas has been crazy for me. Majority of my friends are having their uni holidays now so it has been weeks after weeks of meetups and gatherings plus with the whole end of year craze, endless projects have been flopping in at work so December was really hectic but nonetheless, enjoyable. The worst was probably the week where I had to throw a back to back Christmas party for my polymates and secondary school mates. There was a very high chance that I didn't sleep for close to 48 hours. That was intense. So intense I slept my entire Sunday away and I only woke up the very next morning for work. It felt like I was in a coma or something. I'm definitely too old for this (even though i'm only 21).
Okay, if i'm going to start going into everything that happened in December, this will be a damn long post which is not happening because I'm a lazy reader and this is suppose to be the last post of the year so yay its time to reflect. 
2014 has been intense for me with so many major changes in my life. It's like the moment I hit 21, everything changed instantly. I don't even know where to begin on how drastic it was initially to adapt to everything that has been happening - My first relationship of 4 years ended, and when I decided to give love another shot with someone new, it came crashing down on me all over again. My mum moved overseas as well and I probably changed jobs like three times within this year because nothing was working out. Somehow within a short period of time, I was forced to grow up. Being financial dependent, being completely independent, adapting to not being able to lean on "the other half" when things get tough, it wasn't easy. The worst part was when everything was happening concurrently, I really felt that I had no air to breathe but yet somehow, I made it through. To be honest, I have no idea how. All I knew was one day, everything is going to fall right into place and everything will be okay because this is only a phase and God will never throw me something too major that he knows I can't handle.

I think 2014 itself has made me grown alot as an individual. I learn to be alot more positive, I learn that no matter how tough a challenge is, there is always a solution for it as long as i persevere. I learn to never give up and I learn to love myself a little bit more and the biggest lesson I've learnt is on love. That you should never let anyone treat you as secondary. That people only make time for what is important to them and sometimes the harsh reality is that you're just not that significant and when you're of the least priority, you should learn how to love yourself and walk away from it before you shatter. That if anyone dares to treat you otherwise, know your value because there is someone out there that will run to the ends of the earth just to spend some time with you. 
There are things that I'm really thankful for this year as well. I'm thankful for my new job. I'm thankful that everyone in my company has been nothing but nice to me. I'm thankful for the amount of opportunities that I've been given even though I'm still so young & green. I'm thankful for my superiors placing their trust and faith in me and allowing me to grow and for teaching me new things every single day. 
I'm thankful for all my amazing close friends who have never lost faith in me and have always believed in me. Lastly, i'm thankful for my bestie because you've been through so much with me. You've been through each and every one of my heartbreak. You've seen me cry and you've pulled me right back to where I am suppose to be right now. You restore my faith in myself when I doubt my capabilities and when I'm insecure and fearful of my future. I don't know if I can ever pull through what 2014 has thrown to me if you were not by my side, morally supporting me through it all. Thank you for everything (even though you're always nagging at me and scolding me for being a klutz and for constantly forgetting to eat). I still love you nonetheless.

With the year coming to an end, a part of me anticipates what 2015 will bring and a part of me is filled with fear of the unknown future. All i know for sure is that I'm DEFINITELY getting my driving license before I turn 22 ahahaha and that I'm trying to lead a healthier lifestyle so guys, I've signed up for a 6 months gym package at Physical ABuse HAHAHAHA. its okay, even I have difficulty believing in that but in my defence, its not a typical gym gym. There are like hip hop, dirty dancing, belly dancing classes and even pilates. They have like a huge range of programmes and I like their programmes so why not right?


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