Sunday 26 July 2015


WOAH. You mean it has been 5 months since i blogged!? HAHA crap. In my head it felt like just a month ago. Clearly, I'm failing my New Year Resolutions greatly. How time flies. 

Had an amazing birthday last month with the beloved clique in Phuket which I will TRY to blog about the next time I set aside time to blog heehee. But this is not why I'm here today.
I've tried countless colors on my hair. Red, Purple, Pink. Even had my hair dyed in unicorn as well so when it comes to wanting to toy with new colors, well, i have limitations because i've tried almost everything (except grey). So when I wanted to do something fancy for my birthday this year and also because I had to do something about my roots, I got stuck pretty badly despite spending hours on Pinterest so I gave up and told myself that Charles would be able to come up with something good so lets leave the coloring burden to him heh.
I had brown hair with green bottom highlights from CNY(Okay, I honestly have no idea what such hair is called so I'm just going to call it Green Peek-A-Boo). Had my hair cut short because I was super sick of the damaged ends so the blue purplish ombre was gone :( Charles got super excited from a picture he came across so we decided to make his partial dream come true with my hair. Well, partial because my hair's short now so we could only choose 4 colors from the rainbow instead of having the entire rainbow on my hair.
The first thing we had to do was to remove the super lasting green from Christmas so Charles divided my hair into half and bleach it so that this time, the bottom would be more obvious. The previous green I had felt super hidden and I was constantly trying to find ways to make it obvious so Charles ensured that I wouldn't face this challenge anymore and boy was he right. Hellooo to Rainbow Peek-A-Boo.
We decided on the color: Blue, Green, Yellow & Pink and here's where the fun begins. Out of all days, Charles decided to wear his super expensive Limited Edition Jordan Kicks on this very day. So the ENTIRE time he was obsessed with ensuring that he didn't get any colors on his shoes instead of paying attention to my hair which is supposedly suppose to be more important. Here's how Charles did my hair:
Super Expensive Limited Edition Jordan Kicks 
Protecting his kicks with the hair trolleys. Most flexible hair stylist award goes to Charles for opening your legs this wide and being able to stay in this position the entire time.
You're forgiven because you've always taken such great care of my hair and also because the colors came out nice :P 
Charles had to apply it in gradient so that it ombres down nicely. I think I spent almost 6 hours in the salon that day just to get this done.
and then the steaming and waiting began and yes I kept my fingers crossed the entire time because I have NO idea how this was going to turn out.

it didn't help when Charles was washing my hair and he kept gasping and kept saying 'SUPER NICE. *GASP.' GASP GASP GASP and everyone else came over and gasp as well and I was the only one not knowing how it looks like. Pressure guys.

so when I finally saw it, i giggled and smiled because WOAH, I HAVE LIKE PARTIAL UNICORN HAIR AGAIN HEH.
I love how intense the colors are from front, side and back. Charles dyed my hair Chocolate Brown so everything looks normal from the front and side. Looks like I have some pink extensions or something but from the back, its a complete Rainbow Peek-A-Boo Surprise. Its like 'hey guys, not so decent hair afterall :P' 
Here's how my hair looks like from the front or the side (Its like just mere tiny chunks of yellow and pink. Pretty cool, doesnt seem like anything majorly fancy)
BUT FROM THE BACK WOOHOO. Like when I turn and when I look down. Actually EVERYTHING. The rainbow comes out from the Chocolate Brown heeheehee :B
Therefore guys, the Rainbow Peek-A-Boo - proudly done by magical stylist whose Jordans are more important - Charles.
Be entitled to 10% to 15% OFF when you quote 'Cammy' at Headlines Hairdressing! So get your own versions of Hair Peek-A-Boo today heh. Or anything you want as a matter of fact.

Headlines Hairdressing
18 Cross Street, #01-05
China Square Central.
Telephone: 6221 6866
Opening Hours:
- Mondays to Fridays 10.30AM to 8.30PM
- Saturdays 10.30AM to 7PM
- Sundays & Public Holidays 10.30AM to 5PM

Saturday 28 February 2015


With Christmas wayyy overdue and with now being CNY and all, my green highlights (or whatever that is called) is no longer the appropriate color for the festive season. I wanted to dye my hair to something a little more CNY-ish but everyone has been doing Red so that was out and I had really limited choices because I insist on not bleaching my hair and since my green lasted so long, it was impossible to change to another pantone color without bleaching so my options were really limited.

But hand your hair to Charles and he'll do something magical to it. He proposed to let my green stay since it hasn't faded but to ombre the green to blue and omg, I totally have very mystical hair now!?
In order to match the green ombre blue, I had to dye my hair to a lighter shade of brown and once again cause I didn't want to bleach it, Charles concocted the lightest brown I can get without bleaching and I really love it. Never in my wildest imagination can I get a shade of brown this light without bleaching and it goes really well with everything. I don't think I ever want to change my hair color like ever. Okay, for now at least.
As you can see, certain parts of my green became pretty blond-ish. So Charles covered the blonde parts with blue so it ombres down nicely and because it was already that blonde, I didn't have to bleach it or anything.
The outcome was even better than I expected. I mean seriously. In my head it was just purely light brown + green and blue ombre. But I have no idea how did Charles do it but I somehow have a few greyish highlights on my ends as well. So when I mix my hair together in a ponytail, or when I curl it or braid it, I think it looks amazing. Especially in curls.
Its been a week now and my color is still really striking and I'm not even using colored shampoo. Yay to mystical hair! See it to believe it (Major picture spams ahead...)
Look how amazzzzing it looks in a fishtail braid xx.
All my readers are entitled to like 10% to 15% discount when you quote 'Cammy' at Headlines Hairdressing. So if you want mystical hair colors like mine or hair treatments for your super damaged hair, look for Charles and he will save your mane ;)

Headlines Hairdressing
18 Cross Street, #01-05
China Square Central.
Telephone: 6221 6866
Opening Hours:
- Mondays to Fridays 10.30AM to 8.30PM
- Saturdays 10.30AM to 7PM
- Sundays & Public Holidays 10.30AM to 5PM

Wednesday 25 February 2015


First off, yay! Happy Lunar New Year to all! 
Every CNY makes me crazily tired because of the non stop visitations and this year, I'm even more hectic than usual. Don't ask me why. I have no idea. I've been out almost everyday and I didn't even gamble or whichever! Thank god work only starts on Thursday so I can finally sleep in.
CNY Day 1 is always the busiest of them all. With all the major relatives to visit, by the end of the day I was zoning out. I was stoning on the sofa until my cuzzie came along and we started gossiping about our lives and omg I can't believe he's already 17!? 17 and so much taller than me. What have kids been eating nowadays zzz.
Afterwards, I spent a really lovely time with the bestie's family. We had a really cozy reunion dinner together (idk when was I a part of the family but apparently I am lols). We had like a forever ukulele karaoke session in the room and when we had nothing left to sing or prolly cause we were running out of voice, the bestie hijacked her mum's van and we went off for a late night movie (KINGSMAN WAS SOOOO GOOD OMG).
Then this crazy girl decided to go back to her office to collect her shoes in the middle of 3am ish so I did that with her. So that makes us both cray cray. We used to do this really often when I had my mum's car lols. We'll drive to random places and have our midnight adventures with a whole lot of retarded videos. I really miss doing all these cray things with you <3 NEXT LONG WEEKEND WE DO THIS AGAIN KAY.
CNY Day 2 was a little bit more relaxed. Went for visitations then picked Rowena up to doll up together cause we're heading to Vice at night along with Kiatkeong and Darrek and we got really high. Or just Rowena and I lols. I really think I'm too old to club. I need my sleep hahahaha. 
The best time was prolly my CNY Day 3. The mumsie and I headed over to JB for some fireworks fun at my cousin's place (I'm Singaporean mind you. My cousins just stay in Malaysia that's all. JUST SAYING.) 
Mini Firecrackers or something. 
I've never played with fireworks in my entire life or even be so close to one as a matter of fact. I'M SO GLAD I FINALLY GOT TO DO IT. Another thing checked off my bucket list. IT WAS DEAFENING but fun. Like very fun. I've never ran sooo much since 5 years ago. I mean you would do the same too - light the firecracker and fireworks and RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN BEFORE YOU GET HIT. Not like its of any use anyway because the firecracker & fireworks thingy still hit me even from a super far distance. Stupid. And yah, it hurts too but I would still do this all over again. Its really mesmerising, lighting something and hearing the sound and next thing you know, the fireworks you have lighted are up in the sky. It was great.
But anyhoo, before we got to do all that, I spent almost an hour teaching my mum how to rollerblade. That was something.
I remember telling my mum 'you have to be daring to fall down! Don't be scared.' and she was like 'DO YOU KNOW HOW OLD YOUR MOTHER IS!? IF I FALL DOWN I WILL HAVE TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL.' I literally LOL-ed. Quote of the day guys.
And because my cousins stays in Malaysia, they have all sorts of exotic pets. Like I'm not even kidding and I'm not going to elaborate on what sort of pets they have either but they only pet I was interested in was this adorable little hedgehog. THEY HAVE LIKE 10 OF THEM and omg they hurt so bad lols. They're not cute at all. They're soooo prickly and I'm never ever going to touch one again. I was rubbing my hands for like 5 minutes afterwards :(

Sooo, that pretty much sums up my CNY. Food + Fun + Laughter = Great Memories. annnnnd i'm back to reality tomorrow. I WILL miss you CNY Break. 
Will be blogging about my new hair soon anyways so check back like soon. I promise.