Wednesday 25 February 2015


First off, yay! Happy Lunar New Year to all! 
Every CNY makes me crazily tired because of the non stop visitations and this year, I'm even more hectic than usual. Don't ask me why. I have no idea. I've been out almost everyday and I didn't even gamble or whichever! Thank god work only starts on Thursday so I can finally sleep in.
CNY Day 1 is always the busiest of them all. With all the major relatives to visit, by the end of the day I was zoning out. I was stoning on the sofa until my cuzzie came along and we started gossiping about our lives and omg I can't believe he's already 17!? 17 and so much taller than me. What have kids been eating nowadays zzz.
Afterwards, I spent a really lovely time with the bestie's family. We had a really cozy reunion dinner together (idk when was I a part of the family but apparently I am lols). We had like a forever ukulele karaoke session in the room and when we had nothing left to sing or prolly cause we were running out of voice, the bestie hijacked her mum's van and we went off for a late night movie (KINGSMAN WAS SOOOO GOOD OMG).
Then this crazy girl decided to go back to her office to collect her shoes in the middle of 3am ish so I did that with her. So that makes us both cray cray. We used to do this really often when I had my mum's car lols. We'll drive to random places and have our midnight adventures with a whole lot of retarded videos. I really miss doing all these cray things with you <3 NEXT LONG WEEKEND WE DO THIS AGAIN KAY.
CNY Day 2 was a little bit more relaxed. Went for visitations then picked Rowena up to doll up together cause we're heading to Vice at night along with Kiatkeong and Darrek and we got really high. Or just Rowena and I lols. I really think I'm too old to club. I need my sleep hahahaha. 
The best time was prolly my CNY Day 3. The mumsie and I headed over to JB for some fireworks fun at my cousin's place (I'm Singaporean mind you. My cousins just stay in Malaysia that's all. JUST SAYING.) 
Mini Firecrackers or something. 
I've never played with fireworks in my entire life or even be so close to one as a matter of fact. I'M SO GLAD I FINALLY GOT TO DO IT. Another thing checked off my bucket list. IT WAS DEAFENING but fun. Like very fun. I've never ran sooo much since 5 years ago. I mean you would do the same too - light the firecracker and fireworks and RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN BEFORE YOU GET HIT. Not like its of any use anyway because the firecracker & fireworks thingy still hit me even from a super far distance. Stupid. And yah, it hurts too but I would still do this all over again. Its really mesmerising, lighting something and hearing the sound and next thing you know, the fireworks you have lighted are up in the sky. It was great.
But anyhoo, before we got to do all that, I spent almost an hour teaching my mum how to rollerblade. That was something.
I remember telling my mum 'you have to be daring to fall down! Don't be scared.' and she was like 'DO YOU KNOW HOW OLD YOUR MOTHER IS!? IF I FALL DOWN I WILL HAVE TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL.' I literally LOL-ed. Quote of the day guys.
And because my cousins stays in Malaysia, they have all sorts of exotic pets. Like I'm not even kidding and I'm not going to elaborate on what sort of pets they have either but they only pet I was interested in was this adorable little hedgehog. THEY HAVE LIKE 10 OF THEM and omg they hurt so bad lols. They're not cute at all. They're soooo prickly and I'm never ever going to touch one again. I was rubbing my hands for like 5 minutes afterwards :(

Sooo, that pretty much sums up my CNY. Food + Fun + Laughter = Great Memories. annnnnd i'm back to reality tomorrow. I WILL miss you CNY Break. 
Will be blogging about my new hair soon anyways so check back like soon. I promise.

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